Daniel Galviz
PhD. Candidate in Mathematics
Yau Mathematical Science Center
Tsinghua University
About Me
Welcome to my homepage! I am a Ph.D. student in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Yau Mathematical Science Center (YMSC) at Tsinghua University and BIMSA.
My PhD advisor is Prof. Nicolai Reshetikhin.
My primary research interests lie broadly in the geometrical and topological aspects of String Theory and QFT. Currently, I am working on applying algebraic geometry techniques to Topological String Theory.
Recently, I was visiting Bengaluru (India) and working as a researcher alongside Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences.
I am the founder and lecturer of ICTP-PWF: Physics Latam.
On this website, I provide some information about my research interests, CV, lecture notes and seminars. I hope you find it useful!
2022 Summer school in Physical Mathematics of QFT in Amherst, USA
2023 Spring School on Superstring Theory
Trieste, Italy
Twinning with a Legend, Prof. Ashoke Sen!
ICTS Bengaluru, India.